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Use the Post-Call Action webhook to enable real-time, data collection capabilities for phone calls.


The Post-Call Action webhook allows users to enable real-time, data collection abilities for phone calls, upon call completion. As a result, the user has access to all manner of call-detail information they may find useful.

The Post-Call Action interface functions to assist the user in generating a fully-qualified web URL. This URL is then filled in with the appropriate, dynamic information that corresponds to the phone call that the user has selected. After which, a "REST" API call is launched to the specified web server. This action delivers the desired data in near real-time, as each call completes. The data reported by a Post-Call Action may be simple or complicated. This webhook is a powerful capability that leverages the same, everyday technology used to surf the Internet (e.g. HTTP).

Phone calls may have multiple post-call actions. This adds additional informational capabilities for the webhook that may be useful for the user.

The Post-Call Action webhook allows users the ability to specify the dynamic parameters in the URL. These parameters act as placeholders for call-specific data. The dynamic parameters are assigned in the Post-Call Action configuration interface from a list that is generated from the Post-Call Action Option drop-down menu and based on its values. When a Post-Call Action is executed and before said process is completed, the dynamic parameter values are substituted to include the corresponding pieces of call-specific information. Any number of placeholders may be used and in the desired order.

Post-Call Action Setup

To setup the Post-Call Action webhook, follow the instructions below:

  1. Click the Developer Tools option.

  2. Click the Post Call Actions option.

  3. To create a new Post-Call Action, click the "Create a new Post-Call Action" link that can be found towards the bottom left of the screen.

Helpful, Webhook Information



Post-Call Actions

A user can have multiple Post-Call Actions. A new Post-Call Action is created by clicking the Create a New Post-Call Action option.


Post-Call Action Configuration

To configure the Post-Call Action webhook, follow the instructions below:

  1. Name the Post-Call Action.

  2. Check the Active box; it may be disabled, at anytime, by un-checking the checked box.

  3. Set the Submit Type to GET or POST, as appropriate.


Please Note

The Post-Call Action Option should be selected for the "Call-Detail Information" option. The Google Analytics® option is used to send call information to a users Google Analytics account and is configured separately within the SourceTrak Application.

The following is an example of the domain portion of the user's server URL:

https://; https://www.example.com

The Page field is the name of the file on the user's server that will be used to process the information submitted via the Post-Call Action. This field may contain sub-folders, if the user's file does not exist at the root level of their web server. For example, if the user's page resides at https://www.example.com/files/ibp/post_call.php, the user must enter /files/ibp/post_call.php in the Page field.

Static parameters are useful to send data or a tokens. For instance, if phone calls in a user account are for a specific client, then the user may include a static parameter, such as client_id=1234. This static parameter will be sent along with other, user-requested data. To send more than one static parameter, use "&" between each pair: name1=value1&name2=value2&name3=value3

Dynamic Parameters

Dynamic parameters store phone-call data that is sent to the user's server. The user has the ability to specify the information desired and label it, according to preference.

To add a dynamic parameter to a Post-Call Action webhook, follow the instructions below:

  1. Click the green button with the plus symbol on the top portion of the Dynamic Parameters screen.

  2. Select the desired parameter from the drop-down menu.

  3. Enter a name for the selected parameter. This name will serve as the parameter key that may be used to access the parameter, when data is transmitted to the user's web server.

  1. There is an example URL below the parameters that shows how the URL that gets submitted to the web server will look like. Click the link to test the Post-Call Action.

Dynamic Parameters

Example URL:

The example shown below, using the Date/Time and Caller ID parameters, illustrates what the corresponding URL for those parameters looks like.

  1. When the phone call completes, the data for the selected parameters for that call will be sent automatically to the user-specified URL.

The dynamic parameters are described in the table below.

All ActionsThe list of all actions taken by a caller or call recipient.
Click DescriptionThe description of the Click-to-Call that initiated the call if applicable.
Call DurationThe length of the call in minutes.
Call TypeThe type description of phone call, such as inbound, outbound, click-to, etcetera.
Called NumberThe local or toll-free phone dialed to initiate the call.
Caller IDThe phone number of the person who called.
Click IDThe ID of the Click-to-Call that initiated the call.
Date/TimeThe date and time information for the start of a phone call.
Enhanced MinutesThe talk minutes for a recorded phone call.
First ActionThe first action type to handle the call, such as a Virtual Receptionist.
Intelligent MinutesThe time spent with the Find Me or Virtual Receptionist features, while waiting for the call to connect.
Last ActionThe last action taken on a phone call.
*Lookup - CityThe city information captured by the Reverse-Lookup service.
*Lookup - First NameThe first name information captured by the Reverse-Lookup service for the caller.
*Lookup - Last NameThe last name information captured by Reverse-Lookup service for the caller.
*Lookup - StateThe state information captured by Reverse-Lookup service.
*Lookup - Street AddressThe street address information captured by Reverse-Lookup service.
*Lookup - ZIP CodeThe zip code information captured by Reverse-Lookup service.
Phone LabelThe text-string label configured for a phone number within the Phone Routing option.
Recording Duration (seconds)The duration of a call recording.
Rounded Enhanced MinutesEnhanced minutes that are rounded up to the nearest, whole minute.
Rounded Intelligent MinutesIntelligent minutes that are rounded up to the nearest, whole minute.
Rounded Talk MinutesTalk minutes that are rounded up to the nearest, whole minute.
SIDSession ID (SID) refers to the unique, session ID for a phone call.
Talk MinutesThe total minutes used during the duration of a phone call.
Transfer TypeThe transfer type for a phone call. For example, if the call is transferred using Virtual Receptionist, Click-to-XYZ, etcetera.
Transferred to NumberThe phone number to which a call is transferred.


Please Note

The Value option is only available when the Reverse-Lookup Service feature is enabled.

Include SourceTrak Information

If the Include SourceTrak Information option is enabled using SEO or PPC pools, additional parameters become available to the user in the Post-Call Action (Does not apply to one-to-one calls). Also, all available SourceTrak parameters become included in the Post-Call Action request.

The SourceTrak parameters are described in the table below.

st_activity_keywordThe SourceTrak pool activity that triggered the number display on the website.
st_baseuriThe landing page of a user's website, where the SourceTrak phone number is initially displayed.
st_browserThe web browser used during a SourceTrak session.
st_campaignThe ad campaign captured by a SourceTrak session or a default value set in the SourceTrak configuration.
st_displayed_timestampThe date and time (EST) that the SourceTrak phone number is first displayed on the user's website.
st_document_titleThe title of the initial page view, during a SourceTrak session.
st_domain_set_idThe ID of the SourceTrak Domain Set for the phone number called.
st_gclidThe Google Click ID (Gclid) captured from a Google Adwords visit.
st_google_ua_client_idThe Google Universal Analytics Client ID captured during a SourceTrak session.
st_ibp_customThe optional, custom value passed into SourceTrak.
st_ibp_unique_idThe optional, unique ID value passed into SourceTrak.
st_ip_addressThe IP address of the visitor during a SourceTrak session.
st_location_nameThe name of the location that received the call when multiple numbers are displayed on a page via SourceTrak.
st_osThe operating system used during a SourceTrak session.
st_pidThe unique identifier for a SourceTrak session.
st_platformThe Ad Platform captured by a SourceTrak session or a default value set in the SourceTrak configuration.
st_pool_nameThe SourceTrak pool name for the phone number called.
st_rankA general confidence indicator (on the scale of 1-5) of how a phone call is matched to a source; a lower rank indicates a higher confidence.
st_referrerThe referring domain, which results in the display of a phone number on a user's website.
st_search_termThe literal search string or keywords that result in the display of a phone number on a user's website.
st_sourceguardAn indicator that determines if a phone call was made to a SourceGuard number.
st_url_tagThe PPC ad or URL parameter that triggered to the phone call.