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Overview for DialogTech's APIs

DialogTech's newest APIs are designed as a REST API which provide well-formed JSON responses. As the API is accessible via HTTP, any programming language with the ability to make web-service calls can be used to create applications which leverage the various functional and reporting capabilities of DialogTech.

API Security

DialogTech's new APIs expect 2 header values to be passed with each each API call. Each of the keys required can be obtained within your account via DialogTech's Key Manager.



Your Secret Access Key and Rate Limit Key should be protected. They should not be written anywhere they can be accessed by anyone not authorized to use your DialogTech account. If you think your Secret Access Key has been compromised, you can revoke the key directly within the same interface used to generate API Keys.

Request HeaderRequiredValueDescription
AuthorizationYesaccess_key:secret_access_keyA colon separated pairing of a valid access_key and secret_access_key from the Key Manager within your account.
x-api-keyYesRate limit keyThe Rate Limit Key which authorizes you against the specific API functionality you're attempting to utilize. (When engaging with DialogTech for a custom project, you may be provided an updated x-api-key during the engagement)

This key is available via the Key Manager within your account.
Content-TypeNoapplication/jsonDefines the MIME type being communicated between the client and server.

Rate Limits

Rate Limit NameDescriptionLimit
Requests Per MinuteLimits the number of requests per minute you can make to these APIs100/min
Request Date RangeSuggested max date range for requests to the various APIs7 days
Page SizeSuggested max page size for requests to the various APIs250 records


There are 2 URL Parameters that can be used to leverage pagination within these APIs

pageDetermines the record set of items returned
page_sizeDetermines the amount of records returned in 1 request

API Response Headers

Each response contains multiple response headers which can be utilized to ensure you've captured all data available over the request range. It is possible not all results appear per-request due to pagination limits.

Response HeaderDescription
X-Pagination-Total-PagesThe total pages (for the given page size) in the collection
X-Pagination-Total-EntriesThe total records in the collection
X-Pagination-Current-PageCurrent page returned by the request
X-Pagination-Page-SizeNumber of records returned per page
X-Pagination-Current-EntriesThe records currently being returned

Available APIs

API NameDescription
Call Analytics API (Please contact your account manager)APIs used to report on Call Analytics and transcriptions
LeadFlow History ReportAPIs used to report on LeadFlow call performance