My Account            

Use the Number Remove API to remove tracking numbers

Use the Number Removal API to remove existing tracking numbers from a DialogTech's account.


Base URL for Number Remove


Parameter List

ParameterRequiredAcceptsMax LengthNotesUsage
actionYesString: numbers.removen/aOnly accepts numbers.remove to remove numbersDefines the API Call as "Number Order" type
access_keyYesStringn/aAccess Key from the Key Manager within a DialogTech accountCredentials used for access to the API for a particular DialogTech account
secret_access_keyYesStringn/aSecret Access Key from the Key Manager within a DialogTech accountCredentials used for access to the API for a particular DialogTech account
numberYesString: Unformatted Phone Numbern/aMust be a tracking number within the accountDefines the number being removed from the account

Using this API

These code examples are meant to show a basic method of accessing DialogTech's IVR Report API.

    Order Removal EX:
    This example will remove a number
    from a DialogTech account.

  // Create cURL resource
  $ch = curl_init(); 
  $baseuri = "https://secure.dialogtech.com/ibp_api.php?";

  // API Specific Static Parameters
  $action = "numbers.remove";

  // Required User Parameters To Request the API
  $access_key = "foo";
  $secret_access_key = "bar";
  $number = "5556667777";

  // Construct the full URL
  $full_url = $baseuri . "&action=" . $action .
    "&access_key=" . $access_key .
    "&secret_access_key=" . $secret_access_key .
    "&number=" . $number;

  // Set the URL
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $full_url);

  // Sets the return options of the cURL to return the actual result from the curl request, and FALSE on failure
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

  // Sets the $output variable to the result of the curl
  $output = curl_exec($ch);

  // Close curl resource to free up system resources

  // Echo the XML response to the page
  echo $output;
curl -X ""

Example Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE response [
    <!ELEMENT response (result,result_description)>
    <!ELEMENT result (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT result_description (#PCDATA)>
<result_description>5556667777 was removed from your account</result_description>