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API used to delete an SMS message

Use the SMS Delete Message API to delete an SMS message

The SMS Delete Message API is used to delete a single SMS message sent to/from a DialogTech SMS enabled tracking number.


Base URL for SMS Delete Message


Parameter List

ParameterRequiredAcceptsMax LengthNotesUsage
actionYesString: sms.delete_messagen/aOnly accepts sms.delete_message to retrieve an SMS MessageDefines the API Call as "SMS Delete Message" type
access_keyYesStringn/aAccess Key from the Key Manager within a DialogTech accountCredentials used for access to the API for a particular DialogTech account
secret_access_keyYesStringn/aSecret Access Key from the Key Manager within a DialogTech accountCredentials used for access to the API for a particular DialogTech account
msg_idYesMessage IDn/aMessage ID of a previously sent/received SMS messageSelects only the SMS records where the message ID matches the msg_id provided

Using this API

These code examples are meant to show a basic method of accessing DialogTech's Delete Message API.



curl -X ""

Example Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE response [
<!ELEMENT response (result,result_description,data)>
<!ELEMENT result (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT result_description (#PCDATA)>
    <result_description>Message [1] Deleted</result_description>